2024 – 2025

First and foremost,
Associated Students is YOUR student government; a transformative force for our local community, bringing an unorthodox, innovative approach to every willing endeavor. We offer numerous forms of leadership and political support to have your voice heard and make a difference in your community!
Come Join Us!
All Senate meetings are live-streamed and can be accessed on the ASUCSB Senate Facebook page.
The A.S. Senate meets every Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Public Forum will happen at the beginning of meetings. We welcome you to come to voice your opinions. You can attend Senate meetings by logging on to our secure Zoom webinar below, or coming to the Flying A Room located in the Ucen:
The Legislative Authority shall be vested in the Senate, which shall be the supreme policy-making body of the Associated Students and shall promote the welfare and interests of the Members of the Associated Students, subjected to the Limitations herein enumerated:
1. Entity Authorization
- Authorize all boards, commissions, Committees, and other agencies of the Associated Students, which shall:
- Aid in the execution of internal policies and programs
- Have the power of legislative initiative
- Report regularly of the Senate
- Keep records of all proceedings
- Maintain regular contact with said AS Entity
- Establish and disband sub Judicial Council(s)
2. Finance
- Responsible for all Associated Students’ revenues and expenditures
- Approve by majority vote (50% + 1) the annual budget
- Authorize the expenditure of investment reserve funds by a three-fourths (3/4) majority approval of the Senate Membership
3. Nominations
- Ratify all appointments of the President, the President Pro-Tempore, and the Judicial Council by a majority vote (50% + 1) of the Senate Membership
- Dismiss appointees of the President, the President Pro-Tempore, and the Judicial Council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate Membership
4. Policy
- Supervise and maintain the policies, properties and conduct of the Associated Students
5. Veto
- Override a Presidential veto by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership
*Note: For further duties and powers of the Senate, refer to ASUCSB legal code